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HRD Alumni Association

We take pride in our UWI pelicans that have graced our corridors and classrooms. Now established HR practitioners we welcome your expertise and participation in a field that has undoubtedly shifted the Caribbean perspective in Human Resource Development training and leadership. Welcome!

About the Alumni

The HRD Alumni group was formed in late 1999, initially comprising members of Cohort II of the MSc Human Resource Development programme who had expressed the desire to preserve the camaraderie developed during their two years as graduate students. This group constituted the Steering Committee of what was later to become the HRD Alumni Association.  Driven by the desire to maintain the network and contribute to the professional and social development of the membership, the group was formally convened in October 2000 as an Association. 

In the early years, the Association met monthly on the second Tuesday at the Conference Room of the Vice Chancellery on the UWI, Mona Campus. The emphasis was on membership development as each meeting featured a presentation and discussion on issues and developments in the HR field.  Meetings were later held at the Social Welfare Training Centre, Mona Visitors Lodge and, since 2002, at the Officers’ Club, JDF.

Over the years, the Association has been kept alive by the HRD Unit along with its executive members and a relatively small core group of alumni, who attend meetings and help to plan and implement events.  Many of these events have enjoyed significant participation from the wider group; although, this participation has not generally evolved into active membership.  

Activities and Achievements

At the inception, the Association aimed to: 

  • Enhance the professional and social development of members

  • Be an unbiased analytical voice on HRD issues in the public domain


In keeping with this, several activities and achievements have been realised. Among them:

  1. Presentations and Panel Discussions on subjects of interest to HR practitioners;

  2. Participation in the orientation of new cohorts of students in the HRD Graduate Programmes Unit;

  3. Full affiliation with the UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA), including a seat on the Executive;

  4. Recognition by, and strong support from, the HRD Graduate Programmes Unit in the Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work;

  5. Participation in UWIAA ‘Alumni Week’ and UWI Commemoration Activities;

  6. Publication of our HRD Briefs Newsletter;

  7. Developing a Web page on;

  8. Hosting quarterly Limes;

  9. Annual Christmas Parties (since 1999);

  10. Offering networking and employment opportunities in conjunction with the HRD Graduate Programmes Unit at UWI;

  11. Participation in the HRD Inter-Cohort Games;

  12. Participation of current students in alumni events;

  13. Updates and reports on conferences and other relevant events;

  14. Recognition of members’ achievements and milestones;

  15. Development of a Speakers Forum and an Employment Bureau in conjunction with the HRD Graduate Programmes Unit;

  16. Maintenance of independent financial stability. 


Since its inception, the HRD Alumni Association has had two persons serve as President.  These are Charter President Mrs. Berletta Henlon-Forrester and Dr. Maurice Lewin.  You may ask either of these persons or Ms. Olivene Thomas, the Administrative Officer of the HRD Programmes Unit, for more information about the HRD Alumni Association and its activities.  While we are proud of our achievements, we are aware that there is much more that this Association can accomplish, especially in pursuance of the second aim.


The Way Forward

As with all voluntary organisations, we are challenged to maintain and improve the vibrancy, visibility, relevance and impact of the organisation.  There are a number of areas that the association needs to focus on in order to meet these challenges.

Among them are:

  1. Formal Organisation Structure & Systems
    - Constitution
    - Election of Officers
    - Payment of dues & UWIAA affiliate fees

  2. Increasing the Membership
    - Recruitment from the 700 plus persons from 22 cohorts.
    - Members in good standing
    - Recruitment from current Cohort to begin prior to graduation
    - Establishment and maintenance of database

  3. Improving Participation
    - Establishment and operation of committees
    - Membership needs survey
    - Review of Meeting time and format
    - Broadening the range of activities

  4. Increasing the Outreach
    - Improved communication
    - Regular publication of newsletter
    - Optimal use of web page
    - Contribution to public discourse on HRD-related matters 

This is just a brief ‘shopping list’ of suggested areas to be explored. We have already started on the road to renewal. In the last two meetings, we have brainstormed and developed a strategic framework for the short-medium term. This strategy map will be presented today. One factor that has been firmly established is that the desire to continue to collaborate remains strong. Let us capitalise on this. I urge all members and potential members to formalise and/or renew your commitment to your HRD Alumni Association. Let us build on the foundation established over the last five years. This is a good organisation. Let us make it a great organisation. So, if you, as a student who will enter any of the programmes offered by the University of the West Indies through the Unit in 2024 wish to contribute in any way please e-mail us at  Persons entering the MSc. HRD in September 2024 will form part of our Cohort XXVII.  Persons entering the Postgraduate Diploma in HRD in September 2024 will form part of Cohort IV of that programme.

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