at mona, jamaica
the university of the west indies
Courses Descriptions
HRNM6017: HRD Practicum
HRNM6102: Groups: Development, Processes and Theory
HRNM6201: Organisational Strategy: Management, Leadership and Organisational Ethics
HRNM6210: Retirement Home Management
This course builds upon the foundations of human resource development and institutional pension fund administration to develop the students’ ability to manage a retirement home. As with other courses in the programme of study it has been developed as an independent offering in the scientist-practitioner mode endorsed by the various Human Resource Development programmes. It offers a practical skill that is based on the sound theory of business enterprise management as a stand-alone programme or to the persons who have either graduated from the Diploma and MSc Human Resource Development and the PhD Organisational Behaviour and wish to be awarded a Higher Degree Diploma in Retirement Management or who wish to use this as a substitute for one of the courses in the MSc. HRD or PhD OB programmes.
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HRNM6301: Organisations: Design, Intervention and Evaluation
HRNM6401: Statistics for Human Resource Development Practitioners
This course is intended to demonstrate the use of investigative and analytical thought in Human Resource Development as an essential information resource in problem identification and formulation while identifying relationships. As such, HRD students will be exposed to an understanding of the types of research, the goals of research and research designs with a view to solving HRD problems.
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The Higher Degree Diploma | The Ph.D. in Organisational Behaviour | The Masters Programme
Course Descriptions
Courses Descriptions
HRNM6003: HRD Internship (6 Credits - Semester II – January - July 2019)
Like the HRD Practicum, this course offers students an opportunity of a supervised practical attachment to a regional organisation. Where this course differs from the HRD Practicum is in its focus. This course is targeted at affording students who have little prior work experience in the HR Department the opportunity to gain this at a broad level. They will learn the fundamental skills and abilities necessary to be consummate HR professionals through participating in a wide-ranging series of HR related assignments under the supervision of a seasoned practitioner. While they may be invited to participate in one large project that calls on multiple HR skills and deep subject-related knowledge, as would be the case with the HRD Practicum, this is not necessary. The aim here is to hone the students skills at a broad level to prepare them for working within the organisation’s HR Department. The HRD Unit at the UWI does not insist that organisations pay students for their services, however where this is accommodated it would be appreciated.
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HRNM6017: HRD Practicum (6 Credits - Summer – May - July 2019)
The PRACTICUM is structured around the core content of the courses offered in the HRD Masters programme with the intention of broadening and deepening, by means of a supervised practical attachment, the knowledge and skills of the students in the chosen area of concentration. Students are provided with an opportunity to test, improve and further develop their conceptual and practical abilities in relation to any of the areas of programme concentration. It should be noted that students are required to be at their practicum sites for 2 ½ days per week for two months during the Summer of their second year.
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HRNM6101: Applied Behavioural Sciences: Theories for Human Resource and Organisational Development
This is a course in Psychology, Social Psychology and Sociology. It examines the factors that produce and influence behaviour particularly in workplace settings. It is a theoretical course that is at the same time concerned with practice and research. “Applied”, in the title of the course, emphasizes, for HRD, that theories and research studies should be investigated for their relevance to improvements in everyday work life. “Behavioural” refers to the general domain of study – human behaviour, including individual, interpersonal and group levels of analysis. The “Science” component must be emphasized as well, given that we seek to ground interventions in knowledge that is gathered through the scientific method. By situating work life in the context of larger social systems, the course offers the opportunity to appreciate Caribbean realities of social structure, history and culture. Through the theoretical perspectives of psychology, sociology and social psychology, we attempt to provide broad lens for understanding human behaviour. An emphasis is also placed on developing oneself as a scholar at the Masters level, and hopefully sets the stage for achieving excellence in the entire programme.
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HRNM6102: Groups: Development, Processes and Theory
For Kurt Lewin (1951), group dynamics describes the phenomenon that occurs when individuals’ behaviours combine synergistically in a group. In this process, the behaviour of group members is determined by the interaction of their personal qualities with factors present in their environment.
This course provides students with the opportunity to explore this complex interaction process in groups. Specifically, it seeks to develop students’ awareness of their group behaviours and individual qualities, and how these influence the dynamics of the groups in which they operate, particularly those in their work organization setting. Utilising an experiential learning approach, the course will facilitate self-exploration and development and the assessment of students’ interpersonal styles in a group setting. Additionally it will draw on various interpersonal and group dynamics related theories to anchor the learning experiences for application within the work environment. Exposure to this course is likely to facilitate behavioural change, at least within the class itself, and this hopefully will be transferred to a wide range of group situations.
Finally, the course provides opportunity for theoretical/research and experiential exploration of issues related to groups which impact organisational functioning and performance. Also, the course is designed to further develop skills that will enhance the HRD practitioner’s capacity in dealing with the variety of group based issues and problems in organisations.
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HRNM6201: Organisational Strategy: Management, Leadership and Organisational Ethics
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6210: Retirement Home Management
This course is a foundation course for the other courses in the Masters in HRD programme. Its objective is to provide a discussion of the role of strategic decision-making from the organisation’s leaders and how these persons harness the major HRM functions within the framework of ethical practice. Further, this course is intended to enhance students’ awareness of the issues that most challenge ethical practice in business. The course will expose students to models of ethical decision making in order to develop their skills in this area, and to deepen their professional commitment to the creation of ethical organisations that support the various sectors of economic activity within Jamaica.
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HRNM6301: Organisations: Design, Intervention and Evaluation
Within today’s intensively competitive and constantly changing business environment, the ability of an organisation to thrive and survive within such a context, is largely dependent upon management’s ability to evaluate the way their organisations are designed. Equally, as the business environment changes, management will also have to know how to redesign such organisation’s structure and culture etc., to ensure constant realignment with the changing environment, as a basis to facilitate enhanced competitiveness and long-term survival. As a result, it is imperative that management gains the required knowledge and skills in the discipline of Organisational Design & Development, as a means to effectively manage their organisations to achieve these objectives.
The aim of this course is to expose students to the various theories and skills that underlie traditional and contemporary Organisational Theory and Design, to enhance their ability as potential managers, to competently engage in the process of organisational re-alignment for enhanced competitiveness and long-term survival. Equally important, the course is also focused on developing the necessary change management skills which are required to effectively manage the transformation process to attain re-alignment.
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HRNM6401: Statistics for Human Resource Development Practitioners
This course is a foundation course for the other courses in the Masters in HRD programme. Its objective is to provide a discussion of the role of strategic decision-making from the organisation’s leaders and how these persons harness the major HRM functions within the framework of ethical practice. Further, this course is intended to enhance students’ awareness of the issues that most challenge ethical practice in business. The course will expose students to models of ethical decision making in order to develop their skills in this area, and to deepen their professional commitment to the creation of ethical organisations that support the various sectors of economic activity within Jamaica.
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HRNM6402: Research Methods for Human Resource Development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6404: Financial Data Analysis for HRD Practitioners
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6503: Training Design, Delivery and Evaluation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6602: Compensation Management: Strategies, Systems and Theories
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6603: Job Analysis and Strategic Organisational Staffing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6604: Performance Management: Theories and Practice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eros nisi, maximus vitae varius ac, facilisis vel risus. Nunc congue tellus risus, et malesuada est condimentum vitae. Donec luctus ipsum vitae ligula egestas, et ultricies justo fermentum. Cras quis elit ut orci lacinia eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sodales enim metus, at tempor erat congue sed. Cras maximus rutrum velit, sed tincidunt purus dictum non. Nunc sit amet nisi eget tellus scelerisque euismod et vitae mi. Phasellus nibh risus, bibendum ac nisl pulvinar, ullamcorper lacinia justo. Maecenas varius dolor ipsum, vitae sollicitudin augue consequat eu. Integer et elementum enim. Curabitur commodo diam quis dolor tempor, a ultricies risus malesuada. Mauris tempor augue et tempus vulputate. Nullam euismod bibendum lacus ut laoreet. Nullam ornare, lacus sit amet ultrices semper, mauris turpis egestas eros, eget volutpat ante turpis a leo.
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HRNM6701: The Theory and Practice of Industrial Relations, Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
This course seeks to establish the institutional framework within which organisations and workers operate within the Caribbean. The organisation is located within the regulatory framework, and in relation to the activities of formal organisations such as trade unions, employers and workers associations, and other relevant groups in the wider society. It is intended that an appreciation of the way in which labour/management relations are realised in actuality will be achieved. However, rather than being strictly descriptive, it is expected that there will be evidence of a reasonable degree of analytical ability among the participants.
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HRNM6702: Small Business Development and Growth
The purpose of this course is to explore the issues attendant on small business creation and growth as a phenomenon in both independent and corporate settings. By linking theory and practice the course aims to provide students with a hands-on experience in the development and maintenance of small business ventures. This course, along with HRNM6404: Financial Data Analysis for Human Resource Development Practitioners and participation in the HRD Internship, forms a programme of study that will assist students to develop effective practice skills for helping to steer small businesses into a long-term future.
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HRNM6801: Information Technology for Organisation Development and Practice
Information Systems (IS) were first developed to obtain cost savings by automating clerical work. Today, they are used to provide new products and services, to support and enhance the processes by which managers and professionals make decisions and to coordinate work within and across organisations. The application of information technology (IT), which accounts for a large percentage of capital investments that organisations make, has led to entirely new ways of doing business.
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